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Lutherans get their name from Martin Luther, a German priest who disagreed with the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1500s and was excommunicated (thrown out) as a result. Luther's writing and teaching sparked the Protestant Reformation and those who agreed with his teachings were labeled Lutherans.

The teaching of Luther and the reformers can be summarized in three short phrases:



Scripture calls Baptism a second birth, the creation of a brand-new life begun in Christ, and reaching its fullness on the day of resurrection. It is a gift from God to us which can be received at any age. By preparing to bring your child to be baptized you are taking the most important step in raising your child in the Christian faith. Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God's command and combined with God's Word.


We believe the Bible teaches that in communion we receive the true body and blood of Jesus Christ with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. If you are a baptized Christian who has been instructed in the Biblical teaching of communion, and if you agree with our confession of faith, please feel free to commune with us. If you have any questions, please make an appointment to talk with a pastor. Communion is offered at both the Saturday 6pm and Sunday 9am services on the second and fourth weekends of the month. 

 Our Church Body

St. John Lutheran Church and School is a part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). We are also a part of the Florida-Georgia District within that Synod. Though diverse in their service, these congregations hold to a shared confession of Jesus Christ as taught in Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions which we believe are a correct interpretation and presentation of Jesus and His good news for all people.  

Grace Alone

God loves the people of the world, even though we are sinful, rebel against Him, and do not deserve His love.

Faith Alone

Jesus' suffering and death is the substitute for all people of all time. He purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for all. Those who hear this Good News and believe it will have the eternal life that it offers.

Scripture Alone

The Bible is God's inerrant (without error) Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ.

St. John Lutheran Church & School

1915 SE Lake Weir Ave. Ocala, FL 34471-5894

Church - 352-629-1794
School - 352-622-7275

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Fax - 352-622-5564

Fax - 352-433-2540

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