Visitor’s Welcome Page
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Thank you for visiting us.... we thank God daily that He is leading people like you who are seeking to become a part of our Saint John family. They choose to associate with us mainly because they discover that our members truly believe and confess the great Christian doctrines found in Scripture; and they find our church encourages them to receive:
•A rich Scriptural diet of Word and Sacrament (we celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the 2nd and 4th weekends each month).
•Fellowship & Friendship for all age groups (singles, couples, seniors, etc.).
•Encouragement to maintain strong family values through all our ministry endeavors.
•A variety of opportunities to grow spiritually through our various fellowship, educational and service activities.
•A clear mission focus which acknowledges that God is at work among us and that He is our true power source for daily living, equipping us to share our faith.
Families can officially assimilate into our church family through:
1.ADULT INFORMATION CLASSES: a series of Classes scheduled throughout the year designed to assist adults discover and explore the great Christian doctrines found in Scripture.
2.YOUTH CONFIRMATION: an academic year long series of weekly classes from August to May designed for youth as they enter the 7th Grade.
3.TRANSFER: your communicant membership from another LCMS Church family.
4.RE-AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: allows confirmed Lutheran Christians who desire to establish Communicant membership with our Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and St. John church family.
Please contact the pastor concerning any of these methods leading to Communicant membership with our church family.